Assessment - Levels of Consciousness

















Personal Info:
Last Name:
1. I like to practice my profession in contexts where: (to distribute 40 points)
Successful performance accelerate my career development and helps prompts my ascent within the company
The systemic view is widely cultivated and counts for more than people, money, traditions or quick fixes
Loyalty brings more safety to the work environment and where employees are treated fairly
Human feelings and needs come first, as we share everything equally in a society that takes care of everyone
The main interest revolves around life's health on our planet
Everything is random, something new happens every day and there are crises to move those involved
I make a lot of money, no one pressures me and I can do whatever I want
Our group is strong because we work together and make sacrifices for each other
2. These words and phrases describe me best: (to distribute 40 points)
A competitive person who values material possessions and technology, who thinks pragmatically and seeks success
An individual with strong moralistic convictions, a patriot, who is proud of his own culture and very religious
A person who loves power, who lives in the moment and likes to be respected for their strength, intelligence or achievements
An individual who is neither materialistic nor compulsive. Who follows his inner urges, looks for diversity and accepts life as it is
A citizen of the world, interested in the grand synthesis of all energy, matter and life in the universe
A sensitive person who loves the union between the parts; is superstitious and senses the spirits in nature, objects and animals
A survivor who is always doing whatever it takes to survive
A humane and fair person, who believes that each person should have the same chances for development
3. I prefer an organization or company that: (to distribute 40 points)
Preserves our natural customs, respects typical annual festivities, and protects our group, which is very connected
Treats everyone by the same rules and commits to doing everything by the rules
Is connected to an information network and partnerships and chooses paths based on natural systems of a systemic order
Thinks strategically and is competitive to be successful in its niche
Considers visible and invisible aspects that are in tune with the natural movement of life's evolution
Allows me to enjoy everything I can and respects me as I deserve
Is starting now or being reborn in a different way
Helps ensure the internal and external health of all its employees so that they are fully humanized
4. Compensation and benefits should be given in accordance with: (to distribute 40 points)
The need to preserve our life status, age and services provided along the years, as well as the necessary protection for the days to come
The personal needs of each and every family
What people produce and where they are on the career ladder
The different perspectives and programs that contribute to the longevity of the business
Individual contributions based on knowledge, levels of competence and the degree of importance to the role
What people like me need to maintain daily basic needs
What can be gained quickly enough and with a level of importance, since each person is alone in this world where animals prey on one another
The collective needs of the entire human society, so that they are useful rather than being beneficial to only a few people
5. My career priorities are determined: (to distribute 40 pontos)
By what I really wish I could accomplish, even if it means taking a totally different track
By the goals I set to achieve the good things in life
By what I need to do to get what I want without having to submit to someone else or act within the system
By the moment's whim, since everything changes all the time
By my need to walk with other people across the planet and work towards a new global order
By my ability to commit to the causes of humanity, reducing hunger, poverty, racism and violence
By what is fair and right, as my work and profession should reflect my proper place within society
By whatever allows my workgroup to stay together as a family
6. The world is : (to distribute 40 points)
A set of unlimited possibilities and opportunities for those willing to take risks
Like the wild in which the strongest and the smartest need to exploit others in order to survive
A magical place, full of living spirits, where safety and security exist in the community
An elegant network system and quantum forces that interact with each other
Humans' home, where we share life experiences
Wild and we are here to survive
Controlled by fate and driven by a greater force
A chaotic organism, driven by differences and changes, but without any guarantee for them
7. In an ideal world: (to distribute 40 points)
We feel safe because we know our ancestors' spirits protect us
Everything that is alive keeps the earth in balance and harmony, being a part of the cosmic order
Our hands and hearts meet to grow together and in peace
All physiological needs are always met.
I have achieved material success and enjoy the best in the world
The population is in the systemic movement flow, uses the natural resources that are at their disposal and everyone learns to do what is essential
I have made heroic conquests and my name will live forever
Justice overcomes evil and he who believes receives his just reward
8. When people criticize me it is because I am: (to distribute 40 points)
A rebel and too self-centered, a person who likes power and loves to generate restlessness and who only thinks about satisfying his senses
Too superstitious and too mystical, a person who is haunted by magic, spirits and fate
Overly ambitious and materialistic, a player's nature who exploits others to win
Too sensitive and I care too much about people, a social agent who is blind to the realities of life
Too reserved and too distant, an individual who does what he needs to do, but who does not compromise nor make sacrifices for the good of others
Too abstract and metaphysical, a kind of spiritual wanderer, involved in planetary affairs
Pure pleasure and I oscillate all the time between excesses and lacks
Too rigid and too judgmental, a person who holds beliefs so deeply ingrained that life becomes tight, restricted and unforgiving
9. When I am really stressed: (to distribute 40 points)
I make strategic manoeuvres to influence people and events, aiming to get the situation back under control
I look for support and help from others in order to explore my feelings, fears and be able to deal with them
I go straight to the point and fight harder to survive in my world where the toughest get more
I take an adequate amount of time to find out why I am this way, I choose to live with my stress or get rid of it, even if it means completely changing my lifestyle
I keep my whole body in attack or defense mode
I enter another level of consciousness to transcend the animal elements that are generating the stress
I do something to make luck smile on me again and go to a place where I feel safe
I try to understand my problems through my faith and my convictions
10. My values and my deepest convictions: (to distribute 40 points)
Merge my energies with the natural forces of the universe, regardless of time and space
Are on the safe ground of my faith and of the only true path
I don't know if they exist, I have never given this much thought
Come from the customs of my people and my ancestors
Are the ones I want them to be and they are nobody else's business but my own
Are based on the acceptance of our need for interdependence and sharing
Arise from the confidence that we have the strength that takes to build the future
Reflect very personal opinions of what works in a complex, ever-changing world
11 - People who know me best would say that I am: (to distribute 40 points)
A rebel who likes to decide what should be done in every situation
Open and authentic, empathetic and guided by intuition as well as pragmatism
A dreamer and progressive with strong aspirations, initiative and vigor
Sometimes superstitious, concerned about safety and loyal to my group/family
Stable and responsible with strong convictions, beliefs and principles
An individualist living up to my own standards
Sensitive to individual, relational and global feelings, always focusing on the greater good
Pure instinct in everything I do and how I react
12- Laws, Rules and Regulations are: (to distribute 40 points)
Necessary, but we only progress when we manage to make them a little more flexible
Protectors of those who are in trouble and tell us what is expected of us
Impediments to doing what needs to be done anyway
Absolutely essential to maintain order and stability
Parameters that contribute to coexistence and to cultivate the integral health of individuals, relationships and systems
Useful if they benefit all and are carried out with humanity
Functional scripts that should encourage personal responsibility
Usually made to protect private interests and punish us
13 - The best way to live is: (to distribute 40 points)
Surviving now as we may die tomorrow
Learning to negotiate with the world to enjoy life to the fullest
Considering visible and factual aspects as well as invisible and sensory aspects, with an openness to learn always and every day
Joining a person or group that cares for me
Being true to my beliefs and continuing to do what is right for the ultimate reward
Being strong enough to get what I want
Seeking peace for my inner self and with other people's inner self
Acting peacefully and being open to new perspectives in each situation that has happened, that is happening and that will happen
14 - Money is important because: (to distribute 40 points)
It is a means by which we can fulfill our own needs and those of others
It gives me the freedom to be myself and do what I find interesting
It pays for the basic needs I have with food and housing
Without money no one can survive
It provides a decent standard of living today and security for the future
It allows me to buy things I want so I can be somebody
It is energy that circulates and moves the flows of evolution and global economy
It shows that I have been successful and that I deserve to enjoy the good things in life
15 - I make choices considering: (to distribute 40 points)
What is right and consistent with my standards of living
The favorable signs and prognoses that I am able to capture
What they will immediately generate for me, before someone takes what is mine
What my body is asking me right now
The impact they will have on others' well-being
What my gurus guide me to do
The effect they may have on our global system of life and on man's basic freedom to exist
What it will generate for me in terms of material gain and/or personal recognition